1Evans, The Great Doctrines of the Bible, p. 194.
2Ibid, p 193.
3Thiessen, Lectures in Systematic Theology, p. 41.
4Ibid, pp 57, 59.
5Ibid, p 59.
6Ibid, p 60.
7Merriam-Webster Online.
8Hayford, The Spirit-Filled Life Bible, p. 1893.
9Ibid, p 1943.
10Thiessen, pp 57-58, 60-61.
11Ibid, p 60.
1See the subtopic, ‘The Spirituality of God' under the topic, ‘The Nature of God’ in the chapter, Theology: The Doctrine of God.
2See the topic, ‘The Nature of God’ in the chapter, Theology: The Doctrine of God.
3Evans, The Great Doctrines of the Bible, p. 22.
4See the topic, ‘Jesus Christ the Man’ ’ in the chapter, Christology: The Doctrine of Jesus Christ.
5Adam before the fall, was the closest thing to seeing what God is like until Jesus -- and He came as a Man. Jesus is the second Man. The scripture calls Him the Last Adam (Romans 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:45). The first Adam blew it. The Last Adam got it right. John 6:38; Romans 5:12,15,18,19; Colossians 2:14,15; Matthew 28:18; Revelation 1:5,6,18
1Justification means persons who accept Jesus as Savior and Lord are declared legally righteous. God no longer holds them guilty of sin. Their spiritual standing before Him has changed to acquitted.
2Adoption means becoming a child of God.
3Sanctification means being set apart from sin by first being separated unto God.
4This quotation is taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.
1The word Comforter comes from the Greek word parakletos. It means one called along side to help.
2AV refers to Authorized Version. It means the King James Version of the Bible.
3Unregenerate means not born again. The unregenerate are persons who are not saved. The Holy Spirit has not recreated their spirits.
4Regeneration is being born again or being saved. (John 3:5,6; Titus 3:5) Regeneration is the recreation of the spirit of man by the Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
5Baptism into the Body of Christ is the same as regeneration.
6This is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
1Definition was taken from Merriam-Webster Online.
2Definition was taken from Webster’s Dictionary.
3There is a difference between becoming holy and living holy. Men become holy when they are born again. Men live holy (conduct and actions) day by day.
4Scripture quotation was taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.
5For the definition of the Appearing of Jesus, see the chapter, The Doctrine of Last Things.
6See the topic, ‘The Doctrine of Regeneration’ in this chapter.
1Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.
2Definition taken from Merriam-Webster Online.
1The millennial reign of Jesus Christ is His one thousand year reign on earth.
2In his book, The Great Doctrines of the Bible, William Evans states there are 318 references to the "Second Coming of Jesus Christ".
3The word propitiation means mercy seat or covering. Jesus is the propitiation or covering for our sins. This means He is the only way to make atonement for our sins.
4The word, annihilate means to put out of existence.
1Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.
2Thiessen, Lectures in Systematic Theology, p. 48.
3Ibid, p 49.
4The scripture quotation is taken from the New American Standard Bible, © The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973.
1William Evans is the author of The Great Doctrines of the Bible. In his book, he makes a distinction between the Day of the Lord and the Day of Christ.
2Regeneration is being born again or being saved. (John 3:5,6; Titus 3:5) Regeneration is the recreation of the spirit of man by the Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
3S. Maxwell Coder states the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are not the same. He discusses the discrepancies between the two in The Great Doctrines of the Bible by William Evans.
4Webster's Dictionary defines a theocracy as a state ruled by God.
5Unregenerate means not born again. The unregenerate are persons who are not saved. Their spirits have not been recreated by the Holy Spirit.
6The millennial reign of Jesus Christ is His one thousand year reign on earth.
7In his book, The Great Doctrines of the Bible, William Evans states there are 318 references to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
8The word propitiation means mercy seat or covering. Jesus is the propitiation or covering for our sins. This means He is the only way to make atonement for our sins.
9The word annihilate means to put out of existence.
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